Schedule of Exhibits
Our exhibit schedule is fluid as we constantly accept reservations for upcoming Artists . Our “season” for Gallery visitors is year-round, though Dec-Apr tend to be a bit more active. We’ve taken our warmest months to showcase a broad range of Artists, Genres and Skills/Experience. During our summer months, we often offer an Open Call (all art forms) Exhibit followed by a Juried Photography Exhibit.. Please contact us if you are interested in discussing more about potential opportunities we can offer you.
Schedule Updated: 8/15/24
Upcoming Exhibit
The Art of Three:
Canvas, Camera, Code
March 2025
Experience the dynamic fusion of mediums in The Art of Three, an exhibit showcasing the bold expressions of three creatives: Roberto Amaral (abstract painter), Kevin Burke (southwest landscape photographer), and the innovative visions of Reese Schroeder (digital artist).

“The Illusionaires”. A special exhibit featuring the creative works of Constantinos Charlaris, Philippe Jestin and Jonathan Chaplin-Durrie.

The HIV+ Aging Research Project (HARP), in partnership with Stephen Baumbach Gallery, is proud to present an exclusive event featuring a talented group of artists thriving and creating with HIV.

“The Illusionaires”
“The Illusionaires”. A special exhibit featuring the creative works of Constantinos Charlaris, Philippe Jestin and Jonathan Chaplin-Durrie.

5th Annual Juried Photography Exhibit (Copy)
Our 5th Annual Juried Photographic Exhibit, featuring 15 selected photographers.

Indian Summer
Stephen Baumbach again amazes us with his creative talents. You won’t want to miss his latest photographic series showcasing nature’s spectacular colors and beauty.

Art of the Lens
A showcase of creative diversity in digital photographic art styles and compositions. Featuring Photographers Jack Fitzsimmons and Kim Frank.

“March Revelry”
A new exhibit featuring a diverse collection of original art from 4 talented Creatives.

“Love Casting” (Sculpture)
A special exhibit of life sculptures created by Gene Phillips.
“Passing By”
Our January exhibit features the works of Photographer Patrick V. Walsh. We will showcase several of his unique and original “Photomosaics" as well as a collection of photographs he created from his vehicle on road journeys.
Abstractions: Creative Points of View
Our December exhibit features 4 talented Artists and their personal interpretations of abstract patterns. Our Artists include Jeffrey Tover, John Breitweiser, Tim Rasmussen and Chad Sain.
“Art Raised to the Third Power”
Our November Exhibit is a celebration of 3 uniquely talented and creative local Artists. We are showcasing original works of Delphine Bordas, Renwick Wachenfeld and Tim Rasmussen.

“Couleurs de la Californie”
Proud to be showcasing the latest original paintings from Artist Marc Chabot.
Street Stories
It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words. Open to viewer interpretation, the Photographer crafts a composition that engages with the public. It presents an unseen conflict….a subliminal conversation….a chapter in a larger narrative. It can provide the “visual” to a chapter in a novel. The intent of this Theme is not to “paint” a story so clearly that an image appears overly staged/directed. Rather, it is a subtle encounter, a scene capture, something one might stumble upon, that could clearly illustrate what an Author might be writing if it was instead described in prose.
Distinctly Americana
Exhibit Details: Open call: all artists/all genres. No entry or exhibit costs. 70/30 split (30% to Gallery on all sales). Accepting now / no deadline on submitting / closed when all Gallery space is assigned. Non-juried, Gallery Director's selections based on creative interpretation of theme and artistic quality. 2-4 originals per artist must be shown. 16"x20"min / 30"x40" max. Submit early if you wish to be an exhibiting Artist! Contact for more details
“The Beast”
Join us for an exclusive 2-month exhibit of Stephen Baumbach’s latest series “The Beast”, celebrating his lifelong journeys across our desert landscape and it’s ever-changing appearances.

Upcoming Scheduled and Proposed Exhibits
Our business model offers a tremendous opportunity to exhibit and sell your creative talents to our art buying and collecting community. Showcasing new, emerging and established Artists in a fine art setting each month, we provide various but extremely limited openings for Artists to exhibit throughout the year. Those Artists reserving space early often have the ability to reframe our proposed monthly theme to one that suits their personal style and genres. Finally, as the age-old saying “The early bird gets the worm” refers, those Artists reserving early are able to select the Gallery area most suitable for their desired presentation.
Our current schedule of our 2022/2023 exhibits.